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A.C.E.S. - Athletic, Cultural, Educational, Social/Service

Objectives of the program are:


  • To foster a positive image of all Italian Americans, to bring together young people with the same heritage and background

  • To have young Italian Americans become more familiar with their heritage, culture, traditions, and the Italian language; to provide places and events so that youngsters will have the opportunity to meet and socialize with their peers

  • To provide young adults with the opportunity to discuss current issues that affect their daily lives; to provide help and guidance in college placement, job opportunities, scholarship availability and career availability; to provide service to the community.



Article I.               Organization and Objectives


Section 1.              The ACES Program


Section II.             A – Athletic

                               C – Cultural

                               E – Educational

                               S – Social/Service


Section III.            Objectives


a.       to foster a positive image of all Italian Americans

b.       to bring together young people with the same heritage and background

c.       to have young Italian Americans become more familiar with their heritage, culture, traditions, and Italian language

d.       to provide places and events so that youths will have the opportunity to meet and socialize with their peers

e.       to provide youths with the opportunity to discuss current issues that affect their daily lives

f.        to provide help and guidance in college placement, job opportunities, scholarship availability and careers

g.       to provide service to the community.


Article II.              Membership


                                ACES Members

a.       Boys and girls, 12-17 years of age

b.       Italian American (at least one parent must be of Italian American ancestry)


Article III.            Adult Advisory Council


Section 1.              The Adult Advisory Council

                                consists of:

  1. Parents

  2. UNICANS (at least two) shall be from parent Chapter


Section II.             Function


  1. Supervise financial and fundraising activities

  2. Help the club to prepare and administer a budget

  3. Act as chaperones at functions

  4. Suggest programs and provide speakers

  5. Encourage parents to join the local Chapter

  6. Encourage adults to serve on various committees, e.g., Gym nights, Columbus Day Ceremony and family picnic

  7. Help plan calendar of events

  8. Interact with other ACES members

  9. Apply for grants

  10. Help write articles and letters for public relations

  11. Assist ACES  members with organizational and leadership experience


Article IV.            Administration of ACES


Section 1.      The term of office shall be for one year, 7/1-6/30. Officers elected by ACES members at May meeting. The officers shall consist of the following:



                                                Vice President


                                                Corresponding Secretary

                                                Recording Secretary



Section II.       Dues 


  1. ACES members – Set by Chapter

  2. National Dues - $0.00


Article V.              Funds


Section 1.        All money earned and collected will belong to the ACES to be disbursed based upon a pre-approved budget. Money will be placed in a checking account. Liaison officer (UNICO member) will be responsible for signing checks. The treasurer will keep financial books for the club. Monies must be supervised by the Adult Advisory Council. (Liaison officer)


Section II.       The ACES shall be empowered to collect donations under UNICO (local) auspices and make contributions with co-approval of Adult Advisory Council.


Article VI.            Program


Section 1.        Requests for all events, programs and trips must be submitted to the parent Chapter of UNICO, in writing, for approval. Liaison officer has the authority to act for the Board of Directors of the parent Chapter.


Section II.             Suggested Programs


  1. Gym Night

  2. Sports Events

  3. Chorus

  4. Heritage & Cultural Activities

  5. Participation in UNICO Convention/functions 


Local Chapter Responsibilities

The parent Chapter will provide:

  1. Insurance Coverage 

  2. Support/physical and moral

  3. Guidance

  4. Money in its budget

  5. Encouragement


UNICO National ACES Members

UNICO National will provide:

  1. Encouragement to all Chapters in developing ACES Members 

  2. Publicity in UNICO Publication

  3. A chairperson should be designated for this subcommittee by the Chair of the Youth Committee of  UNICO National.


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