Culture & Heritage
Italian Ethnic Studies
Listed below are various links that are related to ethnics studies. Some are more useful links such as those relating to genealogy.
Beyond the Basement: A Manifesto for Italian American Studies
Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University
Italian Studies at SUNY @ Stony Brook
Italian Immigrant Experience in America (1870-1920) by Joan Rapczynski
Media Links
Listed below are web sites having to do with Italian media and culture.
Media and Culture
1200 Years of Italian Sculpture
2018 Italian Film Festival
Casalini Libri - General Italian Book Dealers Serving Libraries Worldwide
Don DeLillo's America
ICN Internet Radio
Italian Ancestry
Italian Area: Italian Contemporary Art
Italian Culture and History
Italians R Us
Italian Tribune
Mediaset: Italian TV
Ministero dei Beni Culturali
Italian Language Media (Many of these sites are in the Italian language)
Archivio Luce
Athena Millenium
Corriere Della Sera
Edicoloa - Italian-meta site (extensive list)
il Mondo Online
il Piccolo
la Repubblica
La Stampa Web
Massimo Carlotto - offers some English translations of Italian novels
Milano Finanza
Mondoerre - for kids
Radio Margherita
Ville & Casali
World Press - many listings here